You are their only hope for health, shelter, and education. Your support makes a difference.
Fighting Disease
Fighting disease begins with education. We educate patients on nutrition, sanitary conditions for healing, and knowledge of the disease that is present where they live.
Children in Need helps to keep the lights on with solar power, generators and medical equipment. Our X-ray machine and incubator are recent additions that are immensely valuable.
What do you have that could be donated from your medical facility?
Educating Young Minds
So many of the children feel as though their future is predestined. Many children have lost one or both of their parents and are left with caring for the remaining family.
Education gives them options and shows a path for a bright and hopeful future. The now educated children return as adults to help others.
Do you have something from your business that could be used in our schools? Please consider gifting it.
Without housing for our teachers in the Teaching Program, we are limited in the work we do. The more housing we can provide, the more teachers we can invite into our program.
More teachers gives us more classrooms in closer proximity to the villages. A mere $5,000 can build a home for a teacher and house their entire family.
Building a teacher's home is a perfect memorial donation to consider.
Answering Prayers
An answered prayer for some may mean the provision of clothing or shoes. It is health care that they could not otherwise have.
Each person that has been helped by the funding from Children in Need has given the glory to God and knows that each gift is an answered prayer.
Could you spend some time in prayer today for our children? Your prayers are one of the most treasured gifts.
Your donations are also an answered prayer.
Please consider a gift to help us provide for the poorest of the poor.
There is an ongoing need for the basic needs of food, medical care, and education.